Produse pentru sunteţi special (35)

Laminat și Forgat

Laminat și Forgat

Disponiamo di un vastissimo assortimento di barre laminate tonde, quadre e piatte. I trattamenti termici variano a seconda delle qualità e possono essere concordati secondo le specifiche del cliente. Gestiamo sia la vendita “a pacchi” che le serie di tagli realizzati da segatrici a nastro automatizzate. Analogamente per le barre forgiate offriamo “a catalogo” dal pronto tondoni fino al diametro di 1200 mm.
Produse speciale - Sisteme de amortizare a vibrațiilor

Produse speciale - Sisteme de amortizare a vibrațiilor

They insulate the surroundings from trams, trains and undergrounds-induced vibrations by means of rubber mats, or dull them by means of tuned mass dampers. FIP INDUSTRIALE has developed a wide range of systems to reduce the effects of vibrations. In the railway, tramline and underground sectors, the use of special rubber mats under the ballast or under the reinforced concrete platforms, permits to isolate the surroundings from travelling trucks-induced vibrations. In other sectors vibrations can be dulled by means of tuned mass dampers or some types of seismic devices. TYPES: Damping mats Tuned mass dampers
Foi - Oțel Inoxidabil

Foi - Oțel Inoxidabil

Disponibili Lamiere: Lamiera a Caldo F1, Lamiera a Freddo 2B, BA Lamiera Lucida, SB Lamiera Satinata, Lamiera Fiorettata, Lamiera Mandorlata e Bugnata. Disponibili anche Nastri. ANALISI: AISI 304/316. Per maggiori informazioni, visita il nostro sito!
Oțel Inoxidabil

Oțel Inoxidabil

Metallurgica Legnanese ha ultimamente ampliato la gamma di prodotti in acciaio inox. Grazie all’esperienza acquisita e a fornitori di primo ordine siamo in grado di gestire anche richieste di piccoli quantitativi su specifica del cliente, oltre ad avere disponibili a stock le principali marche e dimensioni pronte alla consegna.
Rulmenți structurali - Rulmenți speciali

Rulmenți structurali - Rulmenți speciali

Adding some supplementary features to the basic bearing types, FIP INDUSTRIALE can also produce special bearings, suitable for targeted purposes. These are the main types: Negative load bearings Also known as "anti-lifting" or "double-acting" bearings. These devices are also capable of resisting vertical tension loads, commonly denominated "negative". Load measuring bearings They permit in-situ measuring of vertical loads acting on the bearings. Depending on the technology used, measurements can be made next to the bearing or remotely, at any time of the bearing life span. Bearings with dampers These are a combination of one multidirectional or unidirectional bearing with hysteretic and/or viscous dampers. They are also called "flat sliding isolators with dampers". Bearings with shock transmitters Sliding bearings coupled with shock transmitters. In case of sudden movements, for example seismic movements, the shock transmitters prevent the relative movements of the structural eleme